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Cranio Sacral Therapy



Cranio Sacral Therapy works by helping the body's natural healing mechanisms dissipate the negative effects of stress on the central nervous system.  This is accomplished through utilizing a physiological body system called the craniosacral system, which maintains the environment in which the central nervous system functions. It consists of the membranes and cerebrospinal fluid that surround and protect the brain and spinal cord, extending from the bones of the skull, face and mouth (which make up the cranium) down to the tailbone area (sacrum). The role of this system in the development and performance of the brain and spinal cord is so vital that an imbalance or dysfunction in it can cause sensory, motor and/or neurological disabilities.

Like the pulse of the cardiovascular system, the craniosacral system has a rhythm that can be felt throughout the body. Using a touch generally no heavier than the weight of a nickel, skilled practitioners can monitor this rhythm at key body points to pinpoint the source of an obstruction or stress. Once a source has been determined, they can assist the natural movement of the fluid and related soft tissue to help the body self-correct. This simple action is often all it takes to remove a restriction. Other times, CST may be combined with other therapies to help restore the body to its optimum functioning level.

Craniosacral therapy is beneficial in relieving chronic symptoms that haven’t been helped in other ways.  A few examples include insomnia, fatigue, headaches, poor digestion, anxiety and temporomandibular joint (TMJ) dysfunction.  Other conditions that are benefited by craniosacral therapy include eye-motor coordination problems, autism, dyslexia, loss of taste or smell, vertigo and neuralgias such as sciatica and tic douloureux.

At Kimochi, we will use Cranio Sacral within another modality of massage. 


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